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Food for nutrition, nature and livelihood

What societies eat reflects their position on the modernity trajectory. Poorer countries have health problems because of lack of food. Then as people get rich, they end up losing the health advantage of food availability. They eat processed food that is high in salt, sugar and fat, which make them obese and ill. It is only when societies get very rich that they rediscover the benefits of eating real food and value sustainability.


Junk Food Targeted at children

There is nothing called junk food” – says the food industry. This was the contention that the industry had put forth to a committee set up in 2013 under directions from the Delhi High Court. The committee had been tasked to frame guidelines for junk food in the country. I was a member of the committee, along with extremely dedicated, committed and knowledgeable medical professionals.

Junk games and schoolchildren

 “There is nothing called junk food. The problem with obesity lies with children who do not exercise enough. What is needed is for them to run and jump, and to do this they need to consume high-calorie food. So, food high in salt, sugar and fat is good for them.” This is what was argued vehemently and rudely by representatives of the food industry in the committee, set up under directions from the Delhi High Court to frame guidelines for junk food in the country.


Junk Food Busted

As we all know, junk food is defined as food with empty calories - it provides fat, sugar and salt, without nutrition. But how bad is it? This is what CSE's laboratory checked recently. The results were both predictable and alarming. Read the book to know more.  

Experts call for paradigm shift in health policy

CSE’s conference on food safety and environmental toxins puts forth action points on a range of issues – pesticides, junk food, organic farming, antibiotics and growth promoters etc