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The big idea for change: bamboo as grass

“Stroke of the pen” reform is critical as in many cases policy is dastardly and change is laggardly. The essential element is to find that big-ticket item that can have impact on a scale and at a pace that is needed. I believe Union environment and forests minister Jairam Ramesh’s letter addressed to all chief ministers clarifying that bamboo is indeed a grass and not timber, is such an item.


Challenge of the New Balance

This book is based on a study of the six most energy/emissions-intensive sectors of India, with the aim of determining India's low carbon growth options. The sectors covered are power, steel, aluminium, cement, fertilisers and paper and pulp. Together, these six sectors account for an estimated 61.5 per cent of the total greenhouse gas emissions in India (excluding emissions from agriculture and waste)…  


CSE unveils results of the 2nd Green Rating of the Pulp and paper industry

September 30, 2004  Pulp and paper industry rated for the second time by CSE. The rating pushes companies to improve their environmental performance The second rating of the pulp and paper sector shows visible improvements in environmental performance of large companies. CSE’s data shows that industry can work to provide jobs and a growth model -- it can provide employment to 0.55 million farming families just from tree plantation, and can make India a pulp-surplus country. The credibility of the rating works as a reputational incentive to drive change in the sector.

Green Rating Project - Key Findings of Pulp & Paper sector

Good environmental performance makes good business sense. And to support this rationale, CSE analysed the financial performance of the 28 firms that had been rated. The conclusion: there is a 60 per cent likelihood of a mill with fairly good environmental performance churning out profits.  

The Greenest Paper Mill in India

JULY 18, 1999 The Greenest Paper Mill in India The Centre for Science and Environment releases the results of its Green Rating Project on the Pulp and Paper Industry