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Launch of portal 'SFD a tool to foster sustainable urban sanitation programming' - at Stockholm World Water Week 2015 (23-27 Aug. 2015) at Stockholm

Stockholm World Water Week 2015 was held from 23-27 August 2015 at Stockholm Conference Centre, Sweden. This year was a silver jubilee celebration year of Stockholm Water Prize and the Stockholm Water Prize was conferred to ShriRajendraSingh,for his water conservation work (revival of ponds, rivers) in rural Rajasthan (AlwarDistt.)- 


Day 1 at the Stockholm Convention

The five day plenary session of the Stockholm convention began in Geneva today. The new chair for the COP meeting, from the Czech Republic, has been selected. The main meeting on endosulfan will begin on Tuesday.  On day one India distributed its statement at the regional (Asia Pacific) meeting. It still claims that Endosulfan is not a health hazard and that its recommendation in the Persistent Organic Pollutant Registration Committee-sixth meeting was based on selective data and contrary evidence from other studies including FAO and WHO.