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Clean Your Act

Clean Your Act’ is a film about alternative ways to treat wastewater.

Garbage is about recycling

It is time we accepted that each household and commercial establishment is a waste generator and so a potential polluter Last fortnight, I discussed the need to reinvent garbage management in our cities so that we can process waste and not “landfill” it. This, as I wrote, required households and institutions to segregate their waste at source so that it could be managed as a resource. It also means that we need to limit how much is dumped by imposing a tax on landfill. I want to follow up on this idea this fortnight.


Light on mercury

Regulations to check mercury pollution take backseat as Centre promotes fluorescent light

A different waste model

  Should India import and reprocess the world’s growing mountains of junk and toxic garbage? Should this become our business opportunity, capitalizing on the fact that rich countries need cheaper and more efficient ways of dealing with their waste—everything from electronic to medical? The question is if we can manage the waste of others, even as we struggle and fail to deal with our own piles of garbage.