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क्या राजनीतिक दलों की नजर में महिलाओं की पहचान बदल रही?

देश में शायद पहली बार हुआ जब चुनाव के पहले महिलाओं को ध्यान में रखकर शपथपत्र लाया गया. मध्य प्रदेश इसका गवाह बना जहां भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने मुख्य घोषणापत्र के साथ ‘नारी शक्ति संकल्प पत्र

Wake up and smell the air

Our health is not on anybody’s agenda. Or, we just don’t seem to make the connections between the growing burden of disease and the deteriorating condition of our environment. We don’t really believe the science, which tells us each passing day how toxins affect our bodies, leading to high rates of both morbidity and mortality. It is true that it is difficult to establish cause and effect, but we know more than enough to say that air pollution is today a leading cause of both disease and death in India and other parts of South Asia.


Monitoring of Endosulfan Residues in the 11 Panchayaths of Kasaragod District, Kerala by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment June 2011

The Government of Kerala has directed the Kerala State Council for Science Technology andEnvironment (KSCSTE) for monitoring endosulfan persistence in soil, water and bloodsamples in the selected areas of Kasaragod District and its impacts on human health andenvironment vide G.O. (MS) No. 1550/20/10/HFW, dated: 09.04.2010 (Annexure I).


Toxic neighbours Happy that a petrol pump’s right next to your home? Here’s something to worry about. It has been found that if you live within a 100 metre radius of a petrol pump, you are vulnerable to cancer because of the high level of pollution. Airborne chemicals, coming mostly from unburned fuel evaporating during refilling of the stations’ storage tanks, during automobile refueling and from spillage, are to blame for this health hazard. Data quantified