Tools for pollution management in small and medium scale industries

Small and medium scale industries (SME’s)play a substantial role in India’s economy (30 % of the country’s GDP) and alsohighlighted as a major source of air and water pollutionin many source apportionment studies.One of the reasons for pollution from these sectors are lenient environmental norms and policies, lack of regulatory practices like environmental monitoring, guidelines and best practices, comprehensive fuel policy, regulatory enforcement and poor implementation of policy on ground.Therefore, considering the alarming increase in air and water pollution, it is time forregulatorsto becomes an ombudsman and work on pollution mitigation measures and ensure effective implementation of policies.

Recognizing the need to build capacity of regulators on various tools to regulate small and medium scale industries, CSE is organizing a four-day training programme on “Tools for pollution management in small and medium scale industries” from 26 to 29November, 2024. The training programme will comprise of lectures, class exercises, hands on experience of pollution monitoring, and participants experience sharing session.

Outcome of the training Programme-

  • Understanding of Environmental laws and regulatory strategies for better compliance & enforcement
  • Framing and implementationof cleaner fuel policy
  • Increased knowledge on appropriate air pollution control devices for different types of industries and understanding how to evaluate its effectiveness
  • Understanding ambient and stack-based monitoring
  • Inventorization and pollution load assessment of industrial emission sources
  • Analysis of CEMS and CEQMS data
  • Water audit for effective waste water management
  • Effective ways of waste management to increase circularity
  • Best pollution control practices in medium and small-scale industries

Course Coordinator:

Shreya Verma
Programme Manager- Industrial Pollution team
Mobile: 8882084294




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Course Fee

The course offers full scholarship for regulators. Scholarship entails Lodging, Boarding & Training Kit fee. It does not cover travel cost from your respective location to Delhi and back.

Who can apply
This training programme is only for regulators and policy makers