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Air Pollution

Urban Air Quality Management in Ethiopia

Objectives and scope of the guidance Air pollution is one of the leading risk factors in the developing regions of Africa. Africa is one of the fastest-urbanizing regions and more than half of its population is expected to live in polluted urban areas by 2040. According to the World Energy Outlook of the International Energy Agency of 2016, outdoor air pollution is responsible for more than 210 000 premature deaths in African region and this is only half of the total deaths caused by indoor air pollution. Download Report

Good News & Bad News: Clearing the Air in Indian Cities

This presents the evidence of change in Indian cities – however small they may seem today. This captures actual policy decision and action in cities for clean air, public transport, walking and cycling, intermediate public transport, and car restraint initiatives like parking and fiscal measures. The challenge now is to learn from these experiences and to upscale the practices so that we can have the great leapfrog – move from cars to no cars, from pollution to clean air.