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Community Support

South Asia Convention on Coastal Management

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) jointly with Pondicherry Citizen’s Action Network (PondyCAN), a Pondicherry based nonprofit organized the South Asia Convention on Coastal Management at Pondicherry between January 19 -21, 2014.

Training workshop on CSE's Green Clearance Watch

We recently got together with our partners for a one day training workshop on Green Clearance Watch (GCW) Portal on November 19, 2012. The program brought together our partners who have helped us to cover public hearings around the country and will be working with us in future.

CSE 's Round Table on Mercury Pollution in Sonbhadra

Pollution in Sonbhadra area is not new and has been talked about for many years but no action has been taken to check the pollution. This has led to long term health impacts which have now started to show up in the population of the region. CSE took up a study to look at these health impacts and to investigate the possible causes.