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Not As Cool

Centre for Science and Environment has carried out this study to know how energy efficiency of room air conditioners (RAC) perform when outside ambient temperature is variable and high.

Treating solid waste

CSE started this practice to showcase successful decentralised management of the solid waste and also to reduce the discharge of the solid waste from its own campus. Solid waste composting is a process to prepare compost from the biodegradable organic material which can be used as soil conditioner or organic fertilizer. Two types of wastes generated in the CSE:  From leftover cooked food (collected from canteen)  From uncooked raw vegetable waste ( also known as kitchen waste) and dry leaves 

Treating solid waste

CSE started this practice to showcase successful decentralised management of the solid waste and also to reduce the discharge of the solid waste from its own campus. Solid waste composting is a process to prepare compost from the biodegradable organic material which can be used as soil conditioner or organic fertilizer. Two types of wastes generated in the CSE:  From leftover cooked food (collected from canteen)  From uncooked raw vegetable waste ( also known as kitchen waste) and dry leaves