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Two Week Foundation Course on How to Develop Water Quality Management Plan

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Training programme on Environmental Audit

Date: November 12 to 13, 2016, Goa Centre for Science and Environment is organizing a two days training programme in collaboration with Goa State Pollution Control Board on Environmental Audit. The programme is scheduled between November 12th to 13th, 2016 and the venue is Sanskruti Bhavan, Patto, Panaji, Goa.

Survey of CEMS Implementation in India

//If using image buttons as controls, Set image buttons' image preload here true //(use false for no preloading and for when using no image buttons as controls): var preload_ctrl_images=true; //And configure the image buttons' images here: var previmg='left.gif'; var stopimg='stop.gif'; var playimg='play.gif'; var nextimg='right.gif'; var slides1=[]; //FIRST SLIDESHOW //configure the below images and descriptions to your own.

Book Release and Workshop on Solid Waste Management: Reinvention, Opportunities and Way Ahead, September 15, 2016, Bengaluru

What direction should waste management take in metropolitans? What does the future hold in store? Are landfills the answer? Is Waste-to-energy technology still a good bet? Why segregation is the key? These are some of the questions that come to our minds when we discuss waste management in some of the bigger cities of India.  Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi is conducting a half day programme in Bengaluru on Solid Waste Management to discuss the scenario of waste management in the country and what should be the agenda for a clean India.

Training programme on wastewater management

The fast growing economy, rapid industrialisation and growing urban population in India along with increasing wastewater generation are reasons for concern and reiterate the need for appropriate water management practices. Centre for Science and Environment recognises this need and has developed a five-day hands on training programme aimed at giving practical exposure to participants on wastewater treatment for industrial and urban wastewater management including reuse and recycle.

Workshop on Solid Waste Management: Reinvention, Opportunities and Way Ahead, July 12, 2016

What direction should India's waste management take? What does the future hold in store? Are landfills the answer? Is Waste-to-energy technology still a good bet? Why segregation is the key? These are some of the questions that come to our minds when we discuss waste management in our country.  Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi is conducting a day long workshop on Solid Waste Management to discuss the scenario of waste management in the country.