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Media Resource Centre

ICA proposal at MEF

ICA will proceed on the strict understanding that it is a facilitative process for transparency and accountability and that it will not have any punitive implications of any sort. Read more

On World Environment Day, CSE releases analysis of how India has warmed over the years - from 1901 till 2017

First animated climate spiral showing the warming of India  Annual mean temperature in India has increased by 1.2 degrees C since the beginning of the 20th century.  2016 was second warmest year on record with temperature of 1.26 degrees C higher than   Winters (Jan-Feb) of 2017 was hottest in recorded history with temperature of 2.95 degrees higher than the baseline.  

Copenhagen to Cancun

A year of impasse No one quite expects Cancun to yield any legally-binding agreement amidst fractured geopolitical mandates and domestic constraints. At best, it can pave the way for CoP 2011 in South Africa Read more

Copenhagen Accord

Copenhagen climate talks were indeed historic. For their failure. In Bali in 2007, negotiators laid out the roadmap for a deal and gave themselves two years. The formula was simple and ethical: rich countries would cut emissions by 40 per cent below 1990 levels, by 2020, and put new money on the table. In exchange, emerging economies would join the effort, reducing emissions growth at home enabled by finance and technology from industrialized countries Read more