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Media Resource Centre

15th CSE media fellowships on Lives transformed: Tales of climate change impact

While we all agree that climate change is for real, there is actually limited reliable information available on how and where its impacts are being felt the most. Extreme weather events such as cloud burst, cyclones, floods etc are being reported as more intense and frequent world over, and the number of casualties and losses are ever on the rise. Though mitigation and adaptation is on the world's agenda, the local have to fend for themselves.

Press Conference: Singrauli shocker

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) to release its new study on massive mercury poisoning in Uttar Pradesh Study to be released by CSE director-general Sunita Narain at press conference in Lucknow Points to a public health crisis in the making

The paranoia of pedestrian(s)

A reflection on 'walkability' in South Asia By: Papia Samajdar Aug 29, 2012 It was that time of the day, when lunch will be served too late to make the hunger pangs wait, as well as to order a small snack, because the canteen fellows are too busy preparing lunch, plus its a bad excuse to let a customer escape from their hardships of the preparation.

A 'kurz' overview

CSE Fellowship Media Briefing on ‘Backs to the wall: Tigers, tiger habitats and conservation’ By: Papia Samajdar Finally, we managed to pull through the much challenged fellowship media briefing on tigers and issues around tiger conservation, and not just pulled through but did quite a good job of it, as it turned out -- gauging from the feedback of the resource people, and of course the journalists who, I believe, need this kind of downpour of information to make them understand the issues in-depth.