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Media Resource Centre

Press Release

April 09, 2024 | Food and Toxins AMR a ‘silent’ pandemic: prevention is the best bet against it for low- and middle-income countries like India March 12, 2024 | Down To Earth Eating right in a climate-risked world March 08, 2024 | Down To Earth India’s women-led Self-Help Groups are emerging as the world’s biggest microfinance project March 01, 2024 | Anil Agarwal Dialogue Plastics in our clothes is becoming a new challenge for waste managers, say speakers at CSE’s Anil Agarwal Dialogue February 29, 2024 | Anil Agarwal Dialogue Himalayas in dire straits, one or more ‘tipping points’ already crossed, leading to faster and irreversible changes in the region’s climate system: State of India’s Environment 2024 report February 28, 2024 | Anil Agarwal Dialogue 2023 breaks global warming records February 28, 2024 | Industry CSE’s new assessment identifies main causes of air pollution in Alwar


Extreme Weather An Invisible Threat Is There Really Anything to Celebrate? World Biodiversity Day Special: The Biodiversity Brouhaha Down To Earth: Celebrating 30 years Vaccines for All Bolt from the Blue Water and Mgnrega: Transforming India BIRD ATTACK! EIA 2020: Advantage Industry? Online Media Workshop ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE (AMR) IN AFRICA: A GROWING SCOURGE DTE Webinar on Reporting on Climate Change DTE Webinar: From Animals to Humans   DTE: Newsletter subscription


This is based on information received and assessment done till 3.30 PM on May 7, 2020. We will continue to update as we get more information