Training Programme: Roadmap for clean and low carbon transport: Designing mobility and transportation strategies for implementation

Event completed

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) invites participation in its three-day Training Programme on Roadmap for clean and low carbon transport: Designing mobility and transportation strategies for implementationon November 28-30, 2023 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

Reducing transport emissions has remained a complex challenge and requires strong institutional capacity to design multiple strategies for implementation. All cities need to align their action and budget on transportation and urban planning with the requirements of the Clean Air Action Plans and Climate Action Plans to reduce emissions and to decarbonise the transportation sector. Several schemes and programmes at the central and state level aim to promote sustainable mobility. These include National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), National Mission on Sustainable Habitat, Transit Oriented Development policy, multi-modal integration, designing of parking policy as a demand management measure etc. Moreover, the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) for non-attainment cities and 15th Finance Commission funding for million plus cities along with LiFE Mission include clean and low carbon transport strategies for clean air.

Implementation of these policies and related action plans require an in-depth understanding of designing of the strategies for implementation. The action agenda include:

  1. Technology roadmap on clean fuels and technology to control real-world emissions, stringent fuel economy regulations for fuel savings and an ambitious electrification programme to attain zero emissions.
  2. Transportation strategies to scale up public transport, walking, cycling and shared mobility; augmentation of infrastructure for walking and cycling network development; vehicle-restraint measures and demand-management measures to curb personal vehicle usage through differentiated taxation, congestion and emissions pricing, parking for demand management; low-emission zones; compact city design and form-based code to reduce travel distances and contain urban sprawl. This requires project development for implementation of transit-oriented development with planned densification, mixed use and mixed income development.

This training programme has been designed to sensitise, guide, build technical knowledge and regulatory capacity of officials from the concerned implementing departments and agencies. This is an opportunity to engage with a select group of noted and accomplished experts and practitioners.

Course highlights: 

Technology roadmap

  • Improved fuel efficiency regulations for clean and low carbon emissions
  • Strategy for electrification including role of state policies, zero emissions mandate, electric paratransit and e-bus programme and electric trucking 

Mobility and transportation strategies

  • Street design and accessibility
  • Planning for transit oriented development
  • Multimodal integration
  • Designing parking area management plan and pricing
  • Planning for low emission zones
  • Best practices and case studies including demonstration 

For more information, please contact 

Priyanka Chandola
Mobile: +91 – 9810414938

Shubhansh Tiwari
Mobile: +91- 8448337484



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Who can apply?
Government officials from Urban Development Departments, Urban Local Bodies, transport departments and bus transport corporations
Participants will be awarded a certificate on completion of the training