Training Programme on Environmental and Social Responsibility in Project Financing Feb.5-6, 2016

A two-day training programme on Environmental and Social (E&S) Responsibility in Project Financing was conducted by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi, India in collaboration with the IIM, Kashipur and the World Bank Group. There were 50 participants from various banks, financial agencies, research institutes and universities, and consulting firm, all of whom were trained during the programme.

Training Programme on Water Sensitive Design and Planning: Towards Sustainable Urban Development.

Date: 14 to 16 July, 2015 The Water Programme at Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), recently conducted a three day training programme on "Water Sensitive Design and Planning: Towards Sustainable Urban Development" on July 14-16, 2015. It was organized under the "Capacity Building of Urban Local Body" (CBULB) programme sponsored by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India. 

Status of air pollution during winter of 2015-16 and the impact of odd-even car rationing scheme on air quality

January 21, 2016 1. Overall pollution level this winter is higher than last winter. This demands emergency action This winter has witnessed extremely high level of pollution. Typical winter conditions -- cold temperature, lower mixing height of air, calm and no-wind conditions trap air and pollution. As a result, pollution builds up very quickly and peaks. This is why winter months require tougher emergency action to reduce pollution. Weather is an important constraint in pollution management.   Read more (pdf)

Air quality benefits of odd-even vehicle rationing programmein Delhi: An analysis of week 1

Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority for NCR January 8, 2016 Overall pollution level this winter is higher than last winter. This demands emergency action This winter has witnessed extremely high level of pollution. Typical winter conditions -- cold temperature, lower mixing height of air, calm and no-wind conditions trap air and pollution. As a result, pollution builds up very quickly and peaks. This is why winter months require tougher emergency action to reduce pollution. Weather is an important constraint in pollution management. Read more...

National Field Exposure Visit- 'Sustainable Water Management - Best Management Practices' at Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai

Date: December 14-18, 2015 The Ministry of Urban Development has acknowledged the lack of skilled man power in urban local bodies across India and has therefore developed the ‘Capacity Building Scheme for Urban Local Bodies’ (CBULB). The programme aims to enhance knowledge, skills and attitude of city officials for the mainstreaming of reforms and best management practices (BMPs) of sustainable water and wastewater management through training programmes followed with field exposure visit, seminars and workshops.

Training on Septage Management: Towards City Wide Sanitation at Delhi

Date: 7-9 December, 2015 ‘Septage’ is both solid and liquid waste that accumulates in onsite sanitation systems (OSS) e.g. septic tanks. This has three main components – scum, effluent and sludge. It has an offensive odour, appearance and contains significant levels of grease, grit, hair, debris and pathogenic micro organisms. The construction and management of OSS are left largely to ineffective local practices and there is lack of holistic septage management practices.