Conference: "Waste to resource: Addressing construction and demolition waste in cities"

Date: December 23, 2013 While construction necessitates enormous amount of construction material that accounts for about half of all materials used, it is also responsible for generating about half of the solid waste that degrades the land and environment. Given the fact that 70 per cent of the buildings that will stand in India in 2030 are yet to be built, this environmental cost will only compound with the anticipated construction boom unless immediate steps are taken to recycle and reuse construction waste and turn it  into a resource.

Policy Roundtable on Green Rating of Thermal Power

April 7, 2015: As part of its policy advocacy to improve the environmental performance of the India’s coal based thermal power sector, the GRP team organized a half day roundtable in Mumbai to engage key stakeholders from the private sector. The meeting included participants from - project financing institutions, advisory firms, credit rating agencies, power companies, EPC contractors, equipment suppliers and eminent researchers working on the sector.